31. marts 2016

Allie & Rose

I woke up in the middle of the night with someone rattling around in the room.

“Allie, is that you?” I mumbled out, still half asleep.

“Oh sorry, honey. It wasn’t my intention to wake you. Just go back to sleep and I will join you in a few minutes.” I felt a peck on my forehead with that answer.

“Why are you back from work so late?” I asked, while I seated myself up in the bed. It would be meaningless to go back to sleep, since I knew Allie was really bad at being quiet.

“Everything got caught up in meetings. And people wouldn’t listen. I had to be the bossy one to make everyone understand. So it was a pretty tough day.” Allie answered tired, and yet still rattling around in the room, clearly looking for something.

“Allie, what are you even looking for?”

“I am trying to find my amulets. But I just can’t remember where I put them this morning.”

“That is because I already put them in your drawer, because I knew you would forget about them. Please, come back to bed and get some sleep. The adviser of the queen needs to sleep at some point.”

Allie stopped up and turned around. She was smiling bright at me, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. How did I get so lucky to be with this girl?

“So, you are saying, that your adviser should join you in bed? Isn’t that kind of naughty for the queen, to be lying with one of her court members?” Allie smirked at me.

“Oh just shut up and get back to bed, you silly girl!” I laughed while I threw a pillow at her.

“How dare you to throw my own pillow at my face? You are a very bad queen of not satisfying our people!” she mocked and leaned down in front of me.

“How dare you to question your queen’s actions?” I grinned and took a grip on her collar to bring her down in bed with me.

“Okay, okay, you win, your Majesty! I bow in the dust of your feed!”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Allie, you sure as hell need some sleep, when you sound like that.” I laughed at her. Allie was the kind of girl, whose humor only gets worse, when she was tired. She didn’t respond to me, but just cuddled up against me and laid her arm over me, so she could hold me tight.

“Thanks for being understand about these late nights, Rose. It means the world to me that you trust me so much.” she whispered and gave me a little kiss on my neck.

“I wouldn’t lay that job in anyone else’s hands than yours. You are my world. I hope you know that.”

“I know. I love you, Rosalind.”

“I love you too, Allison.”

22. marts 2016

Prompt scripts #2

“What would that mean? That I am not capable of love?”
“That’s not what I’m saying, my dear. I’m saying, that you don’t have to search for a love to share your life with.”
“So I am doomed to live on my own?”
“You don’t listen to me, dear. You can have all the love you want, but you don’t have to commit to one person, or to one gender, for that matter.”
“But isn’t that what life's all about? Find the love of your life and live happily ever after?”
“No, dear, not necessarily. It is about finding a purpose in life, that you can live with. You have to follow your dreams, not just what society tells you to.”
“But I don’t know, what I want to do. How I am suppose to find my purpose in life, when I don’t even know what the next day will bring me?”
“That is the beauty of life. You can make all the mistakes you want, because that is the only way you will grow, and learn who you are.”
“But will people not look at me and think that I’m a total failure?”
“Yes, maybe they will, my dear, because that is how society is. But out there, there will be one person out of ten others, that believes you are the bravest person, they know. And those people are the ones you need to hold onto, because they will be at your side through thick and thin.”
“But how do you learn to find these people?”
“You don’t, you just know. It is the people that will give you a smile, even when you are sad, and give you a bigger smile in return, when you are happy. Those people will always reach their hands out to you, no matter what.”
“Grandma, how did you find those people?”
“Oh, my dear, that is a story for another day.”